Marieke J Treloar
Action & Adventure, Contemporary Romance, Dark Romance & Erotica, Women's Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy
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- Member Since
Dec 2019
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- Born
23 April
- Profession
Author, Jeweller
Marieke J Treloar is an unabashed bon vivant artist, who has combined her hedonistic and creative sides.
She can usually be found reading a book, and that book will more likely than not be a spirited fantasy full of fearless female protagonists and dashing military heroes.
Writing a novel was always on her bucket list, and eventually, it has become a reality.
When not absorbed in the latest gripping page-turner, Marieke designs and creates beautiful jewellery, frequents the best cafes of her beautiful home town, and otherwise spends far too much time at both her laptop and jewellery bench. She lives in Australia, with her puppies and family